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Spring Time Readiness Assessment for Pre-Kindergarten Students!

Is your pre-kindergarten student ready to enter a formal school environment and meet teacher and school expectations?

Many parents assume that their young child is ready for preschool or pre-kindergarten based on his or her chronological age. Are they correct to assume their child is ready to begin formal instruction in the development of his or her reading, math, and language skills because they are chronologically of age? Not necessarily! 

Carol Wood

At a young age, children vary much in terms of their developmental maturity; which is essential for early school learning. And, children develop at varying rates! It is important that parents are fully aware of the school curriculum and expectations and then make sure they have given their young child ample opportunity to be prepared.

One assessment which has as its purpose to determine the extent that each of the underlying competencies has been developed so instruction can be modified to meet the needs of the student is the Kindergarten Readiness Test or KRT. The KRT assists educational professionals, teachers and/or schools in determining a student’s readiness for beginning kindergarten. It is best administered towards the end of a child’s preschool years or the summer prior to the start of school.

The KRT consists of eight sub-tests:
1. Letter Recognition
2. Visual Discrimination
3. Phonemic Awareness
4. Listening Comprehension
5. Vocabulary
6. Numbers and Operations
7. Measurement
8. Geometric Concepts

Benefits of the KRT are:
•Its emphasis is on current curriculum•It can be administered individually or in small groups 
•The student’s scores & skills ratings are determined for each individual subtest
•Parents receive an overall readiness score and rating that relate to a national percentile and stanine scores
•Parents and educators are provided with suggestions of areas to work on to increase the student’s readiness for kindergarten before school begins in the fall and they can track the student’s progress in each of the eight subtest areas. 

Carol Wood is the Founder & CEO of Total Learning Concepts, Inc. Visit www.totallearningconcepts. com for information about their tutorial and test preparation services. For more information about Total Learning Concepts, Inc., please call 770-381-5958 or visit their website at
