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Students, Who or What do you Honor?

Do you want to be successful in school and gain congratulations from your teachers? Do you desire to grow to become an independent and self-sufficient adult apart from your parents and make them proud? If you answered, “yes” to either of these questions, ask yourself one more question. What or who do you honor and/or value?

Carol Wood

If you value knowledge, then you can change what you do. Knowledge is the best way to equip yourself for the future. Be a truth seeker, rather than believing everything you read and everyone you hear. When you have attained great knowledge, you can then make informed decisions. Additionally, knowledge will help you grow in confidence and provide you with the courage to take on new challenges.

Who do you honor and why? Find out what your best friend(s) value to learn something about who they are. Then, recognize that the company you keep will influence your attitudes and decisions. Decide what and who you honor and then surround yourself with others who place value on similar things and people. Set a goal to become a better person from the inside out and develop an improved attitude. Find the positive aspects in all things and people. It takes little energy to criticize, so be the “bigger” person and take the time and energy needed to discover the good in others and positive lessons in life’s challenges. If you have difficulty changing your attitude to one that is positive, ask God to intervene and shine light on what and who is good in your life.

Remember, if you plant a pumpkin seed, a pumpkin will grow. If you plant seeds of gratitude, satisfaction, and honor, your life will be positively impacted; along with the lives of those around you. The words you speak are powerful and the thoughts that run through your head can create your reality. Both words and thoughts are seeds for feelings. So, don’t let yourself be limited by negative thinking and judgmental beliefs. Speak and think positively with constructive words and thoughts and you will reap the same.

Happy New Year and have a fabulous 2nd semester in school!

Carol Wood is the Founder & CEO of Total Learning Concepts, Inc. Visit for information about their tutorial and test preparation services. For more information about Total Learning Concepts, Inc., please call 770-381-5958 or visit their website at
