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Summer’s Here!

June brings us the Summer Season. We have come to welcome this time of year as an opportunity to “kick back”, slow down, go on vacation.

Rev. Robert Thompson

We are encouraged to get away from our normal pace of life for a time of rest and relaxation, to plan a “get away” to escape, if even for a week or so from “the grind”. Our daily lives are so full of tasks that keep us busy with responsibilities taxing our stamina physically, emotionally and spiritually throughout the year. We really do need some rest! We need to “recharge our batteries,” a place to feel a cool, gentle breeze blowing across my face at a beautiful location, a location that displays the beauty of God’s creation and of sufficient magnitude that it demands a hushed awe before Him. A place, that when found becomes “my place” that never disappoints, will always be accessible whenever my need arises. The place that always gives me the needed restoration, exhilaration and emotional healing I need. That’s the vacation spot! How about you? 

We even get so weary with the affairs of this life that sometimes our need of a get away from everything even includes from the Lord and His folk. A break from our duties with God’s people and our study of God’s Word, prayer and worship. When I realized that I started including my Lord and Savior as one of the burdens of my life, the Holy Spirit brought me up short! He made my heart and head remember His words. He pricked my soul to ask for forgiveness before Him and I testified with the Psalmist, “But as for me, my feet came close to stumbling, my steps had almost slipped….Until I came into the sanctuary of God…”, Psalm 73. The Psalmist also declares: “How lovely are Your dwelling places… O LORD of hosts! My soul longed and even yearned for the courts of the LORD; my heart and my flesh sing for joy to the living God…. O LORD of hosts, My King and my God. How blessed are those who dwell in Your house! …. The LORD gives grace and glory; no good thing does He withhold from those who walk uprightly. O LORD of hosts, how blessed is the man who trusts in You!” (Psalm 84)

t’s in His presence, together! I whole heartedly endorse this location for your vacation this Summer. As a matter of fact you can come along with me. A spiritual vacation that we can enjoy at any time, a place where we can always find healing, encouragement and strength to finish our race as we enjoy our heavenly Father together in Christ Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit. The place to feel a cool, gentle breeze blowing across our faces at the location that displays the beauty of His creation and promotes a reverential awe before Him. A place that when found becomes “our place” that never disappoints. This place will always be accessible whenever our need arises, always bringing us the needed restoration, exhilaration and emotional healing and rest in which we desire, no, need! It’s in His presence, together! May your vacation include the enjoyment with your Eternal, Loving, Patient, Good, Restoring, Healing, Forgiving, Almighty Heavenly Father this Summer. Stay under the Shadow of the Almighty!

Robert Thompson has been the senior pastor of Chapel Woods Presbyterian Church in Snellville since May 2003. He graduated from Covenant Theological Seminary in 1986. Robert is also Chairman of the Board of Presbyterian Evangelistic Fellowship.
