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Kelly Farris, ACSM CPT

The pitfalls of fitness trends

The various screens in our lives shout about fitness trends, promising major results for minimal effort. As a fitness professional with 25 years in the industry, I have heard it all and while I don’t find it surprising, these claims REALLY bother me. The claim that any singular workout will fundamentally alter your body is bogus.

Tim Gustavson, Health Education Specialist at Gwinnett Medical Center

New Year’s Resolutions: the minimalist game plan from GMC

Every year we set huge goals as our New Year’s resolutions, only to crash and quit a few days or weeks into the year. So, instead of these massive resolutions that only lead to frustration, why not try these five small steps each day? They’re easy to remember, take no special equipment, and will keep you on a steady path to good health.

Kelly Farris, ACSM CPT

What’s missing…

I’m in the gym most every day training clients, teaching a class or just doing my personal workouts. I feel like a momma bear looking out for the ladies at the gym making sure every one is safe and doing the exercises with the right form.

Often I notice two things missing from most ladies workout routines; stretching and pushing themselves.

Kelly Farris, ACSM CPT

Shuffling along

From a distance we can see that senior citizen unmistakable shuffling along, small steps in a turtle pace and looking down at the ground. You may be surprised that the pattern of walking usually has no mechanical cause.