Grayson High School

Beth Volpert

Good sports and the importance of important

My view from the “bleachers” this month brought so many wonderful options to write about. A couple of great folks stood out this month. One person represented what it means to get involved and be a good sport and the other showed that even in the face of adverse conditions, keeping your sense of self is crucial. This column could never run dry. Choosing is the hard part.

NG3 Staff

Experience NG3

Spring is finally here! The flowers are blooming, the clouds of pollen are clearing, and the school year is only a few exams from being completed. Every-thing seems to be a little brighter as the day starts earlier and ends later, and it’s not just the weather that seems to be looking up. NG3 has a number of reasons to be excited; community service projects, an inau-gural banquet, a message confirming the need for NG3, and more doors of opportunity to name a few.

Loralee Beard, Magic Moment Photography


“Home of the Bears” is a charming nickname for Mountain View High School but it became more than a little ironic,

Central Gwinnett High School 2013-2014 Football

One bit of advice


Now that my first batch of grandchildren is embracing the first stirrings of Patriotism, I very recently wrote, directed and produced a 3 act play that lasted under 10 minutes, even counting the 2nd act musical number from”Little Mermaid.” I had standards:

Lacy Leathers

Coming to an end

I cannot believe that this will be my last monthly column for the Gwinnett Citizen! I have thoroughly enjoyed writing and reporting various stories throughout this past year. I have met and had the pleasure of working with so many awesome people in our local area.