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The Best Workout? Diversify!

I am constantly being asked about which class I think is best between Spinning, Pilates, Zumba or weights? I usually answer: "I love them all!"

Kelly Farris,  ACSM CPT

I like to encourage my clients and members to try different kinds of physical activity on a regular basis. I believe that the more you change what you do physically (muscle confu-sion) the better your body responds. 

I know that starting a new gym activity can be intimidating; new instructor, new moves, and the most frightening thought, “What if I can’t keep up?” Don’t worry, everyone has the same hesitations.

When trying a class for the first time you should try to get there five to ten minutes be-fore and introduce yourself to the instructor. Explain that you are new, ask for their as-sistance and don’t forget to inform them of any limitations you might have such as inju-ries. A good instructor will help you set up any equipment needed and offer beginner modifications throughout the class. You might even get some personal assistance even in a group setting. 

Most importantly, work at your own pace. If you feel you are  pushing yourself too much, lower your arms, march in place or grab some water, take a minute to slow down and reset your pace.

Remember that it is normal to feel some muscle soreness the next day; that is just your body responding to the new activity, it doesn’t mean you did anything wrong. The hard-est classes are always the first few ones. But, by the third class you will probably be getting the hang of it and things will only get easier from there.

Get out there and get moving! YOU CAN DO IT!

Kelly Farris is the owner of Ladies Workout Snellville and the President of KLF Fitness. 
