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Healthy Happy Friends – Joan Sewell

Healthy, Happy Friends – September 2014

Healthy, Happy Friends – September 2014
By Joan Sewell

We have been having some very hot weather that brings occasional fierce afternoon storms. For those of us with breathing problems, this cuts into our ex- ercise programs. Let’s take a look at the various exercise programs offered by H2U at Eastside Medical Center South Campus.  You must be a member of H2U to participate in these programs so I  suggest that you visit one or two to see if you feel they are right for you and worth the $20 H2U membership fee. Your first visit is free, classes usually last one hour.

Healthy, Happy Friends – June 2014

Healthy, Happy Friends – June 2014
By Joan Sewell

On Wednesday, May 28, at the monthly general meeting of H2U. there were 64 recipients of the President’s Volunteer Service Award. Of these 15 people received the Gold Award having completed 500 hours of community service.

Healthy, happy friends

An unknown author wrote: Imagine there is a bank that credits your account with $86,400.

Healthy, Happy Friends March 2014

Healthy, Happy Friends – March 2014
By Joan Sewell

February was an interesting month. The weather kept us guessing “what next?” So here are some things that need to be permanently stored in you car trunk. You should have a light weight blanket or throw.

Healthy, Happy Friends February 2014

Healthy, Happy Friends – February 2104
By Joan Sewell

My apologies for missing the January issue of our favorite newspaper. Christmas was unusually busy this past year. Never in my life, have I attended five Christmas parties in one season.

Healthy, Happy Friends December 2013

Healthy, Happy Friends – December 2013
By Joan Sewell

Shoveling snow off the walkway to our front door was a difficult task but everyone in the family took a turn. We grew cold, weary and in need of warm food. Just as we stored the shovels, we realized our neighbors, an elderly couple, might not be physically able to clear their walk.

Healthy, Happy Friends – November 2013

Healthy, Happy Friends – November 2013
By Joan Sewell

What with the government shutdown and the continuing debate on raising the debt limit, I have decided that we need a few laughs in this month’s column.  So I solicited some funny stories fromH2U members and at their requests I will refrain from revealing names in the stories they insist are true.  So here goes and I hope you get a laugh or two!