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Assisted Living

Tim Golden, BrightStar Care

Ask the Senior Care Expert | What are levels of care?

When a family is at the point of considering moving a loved one out of their home and into a facility, they will have to consider what type of facility is most appropriate. The family will hear terms like independent living, assisted living, memory care, and skilled nursing facility. Just what do these terms mean?

The perks of pet therapy at Dogwood Forest of Grayson

The perks of pet therapy at Dogwood Forest of Grayson

Pets have the remarkable ability to make us happy just watching them be themselves. They provide unconditional love and can make a crummy day seem just a little less crummy. So it’s no surprise that like many other alternative therapies, – such as music, for instance – pet therapy is being embraced in today’s medical community growing in popularity in recent years.

Carole Townsend

With age comes both privilege and loss

 Note:  This is a version of a piece I wrote in 2013, just a few months before my father passed away at 93 years of age. I thought, in light of present circumstances, it might deserve another look. I have added a few more thoughts, three years after his death. If any of you is caring for an aging  (originally written in January 2013)

Gwinnett Council for Seniors open house

Gwinnett Council for Seniors open house

Friday, August 5th from 10am to noon, The Gwinnett Council for Seniors located at 186 East Pike Street, Lawrenceville, also known as the Browne Building, will reopen after their short summer break in July.