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Joan Miller

What is Opacity?

Sheer fabrics allow the most light to enter a room, but they offer the least amount of privacy. On the other end of the spectrum, blackout fabrics block nearly all light from entering a room, and they provide the most privacy. Which is the right choice for you?

Joan Miller

When choosing a window treatment

When choosing a window treatment, custom is the best way to get the desired look and feel that you want. It can be accomplished without breaking the bank and when done, the results will be worth every penny.

Joan Miller

Power Up your Shades

When was the last time you pulled up in front of your garage, got out of your car, manually opened the garage door, got back in your car, drove your car into the garage, and then manually closed it again?

Joan Miller

Think Faux Iron

When a traditional window covering just isn’t the right thing, think Faux Iron. Tableaux® Decorative Grilles are very versatile and can be used in windows, on walls, ceilings, as room dividers and in any other area of the home or office where you want something different or special.

Joan Miller

Too much light

By definition, light is something that makes vision possible. Light can affect your mood and enhance your surroundings; but what can you do in a room where there is too much light?

Joan Miller

Plantation Shutters

You’ve decided on Plantation Shutters for your windows. Where do you begin? Not all Plantation Shutters are the same. Most shutters are wood. There are some composite and plastic shutters available, too. You’ll need to decide on a few options and configurations that will make a difference in how the shutters will look.

Decorate with Hardware

One of the quickest ways to transform the look of a room is by changing your cabinet hardware. Cabinet hardware provides the finishing touch to cabinets and drawers, and can also add a spark of color and style.